In my senior sendoff, I wrote the following: “The [role as A&E Editor] also allowed me to work at a deeper level with those in A&E, something that I will forever be grateful for.” I don’t think there can ever be words to describe the gratitude I have for those who I had the privilege of calling my writers. From the writers who specialized in bringing out the relatable essences of books, to those who focused on analyzing and appreciating cinema down to the finest detail, every single one of them presented a skillset that was important to the growth of A&E and The UCSD Guardian as a whole. Not much unlike a painter, a writer often feels a slight tinge of insecurity when others are viewing — in our case reading — uncompleted works. These types of interactions put the writer in a vulnerable position as these works are often an exposé of the self, to one’s true feelings and identity. For this cohort to, week after week, bring their drafts to me and take into consideration what I had to say, is one of the greatest honors a writer can bestow upon thee. Without this group of people, I wouldn’t have a purpose, but they gave me a purpose and then some. They gave me a reason to look forward to every Monday. They gave me happiness. Thank you, A&E, for an amazing year. I hope we get to work side by side once again, but until then … I leave you in great hands.
Hector Arrieta, signing off.