I kind of cheated — I basically wrote my own thousand-word sendoff in the sports section. Check that out. But I wanted to use this space here to express my gratitude for the opportunity to work alongside all the great people here at The UCSD Guardian. I especially want to thank the people I shared the sports section with for the past three years — Jack, Wesley, Hayden, Donny, Emer, Miguel, Luke, it’s been a pleasure to write about sports with y’all. It’s never really felt like work. Thanks also to the editors who read our articles and made a physical newspaper out of them, and apologies to the copy section. I’ve put them through hell.
For anyone our age, the last three years have been defined by what we missed out on. It took me until halfway through my fourth year at UCSD to finally feel like I was Going To College™, and physically meeting folks from the Guardian has been a big part of that. But it’s hard to meet people you might never see again when all you can think is “I should have met you two years ago.” I should have gone to 60 productions instead of 10. I should have been sitting in the same place on the couch in this office for two years. I’m not going anywhere physically — heck, I’m moving closer to campus for grad school — but I’m going to miss all the people I met here who care about this campus, about writing, and about each other.
Oh, and by the way, dear reader: did you know that T.S. Eliot basically wrote “Cats?” Look it up.