There are too many people on my public college campus.
the lines for food are too long,
the street outside is too noisy,
and the way to class is too crowded.
There are too many people on my public college campus.
There is nowhere to park my car.
There is nowhere to sit in the library.
There is nowhere I can go where there are no people!
Why are there so many people on my public college campus?
Just yesterday there were too few.
Where did the peace and quiet go?
Where did all these people come from?
In fact, there are so many people on my public college campus
that I get mad.
I get sad.
I wish I could be glad.
But, how can I be glad when there are too many people on my public college campus?
There are too many people to make friends with.
There are too many parties and events to go to.
There are too many friendly faces walking around.
How can I be glad when there are too many people on my public college campus?
There are too many people going to my classes.
There are too many extracurriculars to be a part of.
There have never been so many people on my public college campus.
I guess I will have to stand in longer lines
and look harder for a seat in the library.
I guess I will have to wait for a parking spot
and walk to class early.
I suppose that I could make more friends
and go to more parties.
I suppose that I could join a club
and enjoy saying hi to someone I know on my way to class.
Maybe there aren’t too many people on my public college campus.
Maybe there aren’t enough.
Illustration by Bradley Beggs