Hi Guardian Gurl,
I think I have a crush on my “boss?” Well, I do. Basically, I joined this student org — which I’m totally passionate about — and I started in one committee and I really liked it and all was good! But then coronavirus hit and there was this just this supercalifragilistic girl who LED another one of the committees, who I thought was just the prettiest, coolest girl on the block. So, normally, I wouldn’t want to go into her committee, but, because of coronavirus, it was the only way I could even talk to her … but now she’s my “boss.” What do I do? I’m not even good at what she needs me to do! I barely know her and I’m crushing hard! I’m counting on you, Guardian Gurl!
Dear Hot for Boss,
I do feel for you! First off, good on you for switching committees, that shows dedication! You’re a true go-getter.
You’re in a bit of a tricky situation, especially because of this pandemic. On one hand, it might not actually be worth acting on this. Since we’re all stuck at home, is she even still in San Diego or at home? Would y’all ever get to see each other? It’s very possible that if you confessed your love to her, not much could be done about it. Then, you would just continue to stare longingly at your computer screen, pinning her square on Zoom. And no one wants to see that happening.
However, here’s why I think you should go for it. First of all, do a vibe check before anything else. Do you think she could be feeling the same way? Does she seem eager to talk with you? Small things. If yes, then it’s go time, homie. Best case scenario, she totally feels the same way and y’all live happily ever after! Bonus points if you live near each other. Worst case scenario, she says no, but this is where the pandemic is to your advantage: you probably will never run into her in person! No awkward conversations about the weather while all you can both think about is the cold rejection you received. Honestly, it’s a win-win.
So, with that I leave you to go confess your love!
Best of luck,
xoxo Guardian Gurl
“xoxo guardian gurl” is the UCSD Guardian’s newest advice column. Fill out the form at tinyurl.com/ask-guardian-gurl to ask Guardian Gurl any questions.