Newsrooms over the past decade have faced an increasing onslaught of criticism, defunding, and threats of closure. Student publications are not exempt from these struggles. However, many have succeeded in providing accurate coverage and innovative content amidst strained resources, limited writers, and a lack of community support.
Today is the Save Student Newsrooms Day of Action. In recognition of the hard work being put in by student journalists to provide consistent and accurate coverage during this pandemic, we ask you to join us and stand in solidarity with other student journalists around the country to #SaveStudentNewsrooms.
Started by the Independent Florida Alligator in 2018, the initiative is “a campaign to educate people about the challenges facing student-run newsrooms.”
With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, these challenges common to student journalism have been magnified. Many student newsrooms have had to adapt to a new, remote environment while continuing to provide their student bodies with the latest and most accurate information. The UCSD Guardian is no exception to this.
Throughout the pandemic, our staff has worked tirelessly to provide breaking news coverage on the latest COVID-19 updates, create resources on health and wellness for our fellow Tritons, and also provide more lighthearted and unique content to ease the minds of those struggling to find their place in this ever-changing environment.
We are exponentially grateful for the support of our readers and all of the hours of work and dedication put in by each and every one of our staff members. That being said, we recognize that we come from an immense place of privilege, as many student newsrooms around the country struggle to make ends meet and face attacks from their university administrations. Not every student publication has the independence from university oversight, opportunities, or resources that we do.
The UCSD Guardian publicly stands in solidarity with student newsrooms across the country to support the hard work they are doing to serve their communities during this global pandemic.
We thank you all for your continued support, and hope that you are staying healthy, safe, and informed during this pandemic.
The UCSD Guardian Editorial Board:
Daisy Scott, Editor-in-Chief
Ranjani Shankar, Managing Editor
Jacob Sutherland, News Editor
Andrew Ha, News Editor
Geena Younger, Opinion Editor
Lara Sanli, Features Editor
Photo courtesy of the UC Riverside Highlander.