Associated Students Senators discussed updates from Housing Dining Hospitality and announced what stage UC San Diego is at regarding Fall Quarter coursework during their latest meeting on Wednesday, April 22.
A.S. President Eleanor Grudin shared the discussions she has had with other university officials about potential scenarios for Fall Quarter. With reference to the announcement made by California State University, Fullerton to begin their Fall Semester virtually, Grudin clarified what stage the UCSD is at in terms of making a statement.
“[We are] definitely not at the point of announcing the future of Fall Quarter,” she said, adding that the university is currently troubleshooting various options for courses of action.
Additionally, Grudin announced that University of California President Janet Napolitano announced in a meeting that the Student Services fee will not be refunded. The Student Services fee is a system-wide fee and controlled by the UC Office of the President. However, campus-specific fees are being assessed by campus leadership.
The meeting continued with Sixth College A.S Senator Shubham Kulkarni discussing updates from HDH. Currently, there are 1,739 undergraduate students on-campus, as well as 165 resident assistants. All students who were going to move off-campus for Spring Quarter have already done so and there were no special extension requests. HDH has adjusted to social distancing rules by transferring each student into a single-occupancy room.
Kulkarni also shared information about housing refunds. While HDH has posted the amount students will be getting back on Tritonlink, they are still processing the refunds.
Grudin also shared the Education Continuity Group’s recommendations for professors regarding proctoring exams. There are multiple tiers of recommendations, with the first asking professors to implement other forms of exams that do not require proctors.
The second tier suggests that professors use “Proctor Zoom rooms” administered through the Academic Integrity Office and use UCSD faculty, trained students, and teaching assistants to proctor students through Zoom. These proctors will watch a group of 20-25 students, making it less intense than other proctoring applications. Finally the last tier of recommendations is to use outside proctoring services such as ProctorU.
Artwork by Allyson Llacuna for the UCSD Guardian.