Nithish Narasimman
AFSCME 3299 workers demonstrating at UCSD on Nov. 13, 2019.
Following over two years without a contract and numerous strikes, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 3299 reached a tentative contract agreement with the University of California for UC service workers and university administrators on Jan. 22, 2020. If voted for by the members of AFSCME 3299, over 8,000 UC service workers and university administrators will have a labor contract, ending one of the university’s longest labor disputes.
The details of the contract, which have yet to be released, will increase wages, prevent future outsourcing of labor to private contractors, and expand upon career advancement opportunities, according to a press release by AFSCME 3299.
“This tentative agreement takes historic, enforceable steps to strengthen middle class career pathways at UC, and to combat the outsourcing abuses that have only served to depress wages, erode benefits and increase inequality,” AFSCME 3299 President Kathryn Lybarger said in a press release. “Equally important, it provides UC’s lowest wage workers with a long overdue raise, affordable healthcare rates, and a secure retirement.”
This new contract will only apply to a portion of the UC workers that AFSCME 3299 represents. The union also represents an estimated 19,000 UC patient care technical workers, who are still negotiating with the university for their own contract.
AFSCME 3299 has been pushing for a contract for the UC service workers and university administrators since 2017. The union has led six strikes during this time period, with the most recent taking place on Nov. 13, 2019, after unfair labor practice charges had been brought up against the university.
The service unit membership of AFSCME 3299 will vote on the ratification of the contract agreement by Jan. 30, 2020. A “yes” vote is being recommended by the Local 3299 bargaining team.
Photo by Nithish Narasimman for the UCSD Guardian.