Hi friends! Welcome back from Sun God Festival!
A.S. President Robby Boparai stated that he was unsure of the cause of Revelle student Ricky Ambriz’s death on Saturday, but asked for a moment of silence in his honor.
Interim Advocate General Colin King walked out of the Forum due to his objection on Student Fee Advisory Committee Chair Sammy Chang’s presentation regarding transportation. Based on the fact that Chang heads the opposition to the transportation referendum, King wanted to avoid a grievance and believed that one might be filed due to the content within Chang’s “Parking and Transportation” presentation.
Many council members questioned Chang over the logistics of the presentation and whether there was a possibility of biased information within it that could cause a student to file a grievance complaint.Chang explained that his presentation did not favor any one specific side.
“I don’t see anything wrong with my presentation,” Chang said. “This is more relevant to the A.S. budget then the referendum; I’m appealing specifically to the AVP of Enterprises.”
Things got spicy when King felt personally attacked by Chang. Chang had called King “Advocate General and Elections Manager,” prior to Chang’s statement of his reasoning for presenting the presentation.
Chang, who is also the chair of University Centers Advisory Board, later explained UCAB’s position on closing down the Che Cafe.
“We do appreciate what the Che [Cafe] has done as a representation of the value of a Che Cafe facility and cooperative,” Chang said. “It is noted that Che Cafe has its own insurance; however, Che Cafe facilities are to make sure that every single student who goes there is safe and our decision is based upon the entire student body.”
When Council requested the presentation be recorded so everyone may be held accountable, a chuckle occurred as Chang suggested the recording be posted on the A.S. website. Vice President External Affairs Allyson Osorio originally objected to the recording, due to a former presentation she had done that had been recorded without her consent.
Recording the presentation had made Osorio feel uncomfortable. Chang, in contrast, laughed and stated that he loves to hear the sound of his own voice!
Have no fear, for the Parking and Transportation Presentation is here! In his presentation, Chang discussed the history of UCSD’s Transportation, beginning with Gregory Snee, the “father of UCSD transportation.”
Chang compared UC Davis’ student-run shuttles and how it provides 50 percent of Davis’ revenue and urged A.S. Council to continue to build UCSD and serve the students.
Throughout all the craziness that’s occurring right now, I wanted to send my love and support to all the family and friends of the late Ricky Ambriz.
Summer is almost here students, so stay strong everyone and I will see you all next week!