CALIFORNIA — On Tuesday, Oct. 16, California Gov. Jerry Brown campaigned at UCLA in support of Proposition 30.
The proposition is a sales tax increase geared at preventing tuition hikes at state colleges and universities.
Opponents of the bill claim the tax can be used for general state purposes, and not exclusively for public education.
Students in the crowd were overwhelmingly in favor of the proposition, saying they feared another round of tuition increases.
— Shokufeh Nourollahi Staff Writer
CAMPUS — UCSD alumnus Bruce Beautler will return to campus on Nov. 8 to speak about his experiences as a 2011 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine.
The prize committee said the work of Beautler and his fellow award recipients “has opened up new avenues for the development of prevention and therapy against infections, cancer and inflammatory diseases.”
Beautler will discuss his award-winning research discoveries in innate immunology, as well as how UCSD shaped his path to success.
The free event is open to the public will take place at 6 p.m. in Beyster Auditorium on Nov. 8. Registration is required.
— Cindy Feng Contributing Writer
CAMPUS — The Institute of Medicine (IOM) accepted two UCSD School of Medicine doctors as members. David A. Brenner, MD and Don W. Cleveland, PhD from the UCSD School of Medicine are now members of the IOM.
The IOM is regarded as one of the top honors to high-achieving scientists and grants membership to successful individuals to the field of health and medicine.
Brenner is the Vice Chancellor of Health Science and the Dean of the School of Medicine, and he specializes in gastroenterology, specifically liver disorders.
Cleveland leads the Laboratory of Cell Biology at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and is a neuroscientist who researches causes of various disorders, such as Huntington’s disease.
— Heidi Kim Contributing Writer
SAN DIEGO — A woman was struck by a car and killed Saturday, Oct. 20 at 1:30 a.m. The 23-year-old woman and a friend were attempting to cross La Jolla Village Drive overpass at the I-5 freeway off-ramp.
The driver was a 22-year-old woman driving a silver Toyota Corolla; the driver had the right of way. Medics were unable to revive the woman at the scene.
Police suspect the victim was intoxicated.
— Rebecca Horwitz Associate News Editor