CAMPUS — UCSD’s Campus Clean Renewable Energy Project set a sustainability goal to be “climate neutral” by 2025. To do so, the campus has implemented a variety of sustainable efforts, including the installation of solar panels.
UCSD installed a 267 kilowatt solar panel on top of the two story, 200,000 square feet Trade Street Warehouse located between the I-805 and I-15. The warehouse is currently used for housing and staging, library storage and bookstore shipments. Other sustainability projects include operating on a natural-gas-fired combined heat-and-power system that provides 85 percent of the campus’s annual electricity needs, increasing the energy efficiency in 25 of the older buildings and the solar-thermal water heating system at the North Campus Housing Phase II project.
— Rebecca HorwitzAssociate News Editor
CAMPUS — UCSD is reintroducing the alumni email forwarding service after discontinuing it several years ago. After relaunching the new website,, the email forwarding service became the top priority. “We’ve received a great response from alumni who want to proudly showcase their UCSD degree on resumes, business cards or online profiles,” Alumni Affairs Associate Director of Communications Malinda Danziger said.
Alumni can now activate the alumni email forwarding service by updating their account preferences on their Triton Online account at The service adds “” to the end of the alumni’s user name. Messages sent to this email address are then forwarded to the user’s primary email service provider.
— Sarah MoonContributing Writer
CAMPUS — The American Physical Society gave George Fuller, Director for UC San Diego’s Center for Astrophysicists and Space Sciences (CASS), the Hans A. Bethe Prize. Fuller was given the award — $10,000 and a certificate citing Fuller’s contributions — for his work with nuclear astrophysics, especially his research on neutrino flavor-mixing in supernovae. The society gives the reward annually to “recognize outstanding work in theory, experiment or observation in the areas of astrophysics, nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics, or closely related fields.”
— Rebecca HorwitzAssociate News Editor
SAN DIEGO — A killer whale was injured during a performance at SeaWorld last week. Nakai, an 11-year-old male, badly injured the underside of his jaw during an apparent altercation with other orcas during a night performance.
During the show, a large portion of the whale’s flesh under the jaw was sliced off to the point that bone was showing. After the performance, the orca returned to a back pool of the stadium, until the trainers noticed Nakai’s injury during a later part of the show.
— Zev HurwtizNews Editor