Friday, Jan. 30 12:40 a.m.: Noise disturbance ? ‘Loud stomping’ was heard at an Earth Hall residence. Will cooperate. 11:11 a.m.: Battery ? A male student reported being ‘bumped by someone’s foot’ during a 9 a.m. class and was then hit twice by the reported party, who said that he ‘wanted to take it outside.’ 7:39 p.m.: Suspicious person ? A thin, white male in his 20s, wearing a black sweater and jeans, was seen ‘carrying newspapers and a folder’ at the Miramar apartments. Field interview administered. 8:53 p.m.: Suspicious person ? A white male in his 30s with black hair, wearing a black leather jacket and carrying an orange backpack, was seen ‘wrapping a joint’ in the back of a Center Hall classroom. Field interview administered.
Saturday, Jan. 31 10:23 a.m.: Suspicious circumstance ? An unknown subject was seen ‘climbing in or out of the trunk’ of a gray Volkswagen at the corner of Campus Point Drive and Genesee Avenue. 2:31 p.m.: Medical aid ? A male was reported as tackled on Warren Field, but remained conscious and breathing despite possible injury. 3:45 p.m.: Suspicious person ? Three bicyclists were seen ‘setting up a ramp’ near the Price Center ATMs. Unable to locate. 9:39 p.m.: Welfare check ? A 65-year-old blind Latina female, holding a cane and a Trader Joe’s bag, required medical assistance at Russell Lane.
Monday, Feb. 2 11:34 a.m.: Assist other agency ? Two females were rescued at the Grassy Knoll on La Jolla Farms Road. Field interview administered. 6:04 p.m.: Suspicious person ? Two black males, one with a shaved head and the other wearing a white shirt, were seen knocking on doors and ‘trying to look into peepholes’ at the Miramar apartments. Field interview administered.
Tuesday, Feb. 3 9:04 a.m.: Citizen contact ? A female reported that a mirror had been mysteriously relocated to her hallway, and that similar ‘unusual things’ had recently occurred at her apartment. 1:25 p.m.: Citizen contact ? A female student reported that an unknown subject had been ‘hacking into her Triton account and dropping her from classes.’ 3:08 p.m.: Medical aid ? A female student reported hitting her head after ‘fainting twice’ at the Applied Physics and Mathematics building. 7:32 p.m.: Suspicious person ? A 50-year-old white male wearing a ‘sailor-like’ hat and an Indiana State University T-shirt was seen ‘staring’ at the Institute for Telecommunications building. 9:18 p.m.: Battery ? An Asian male student was reported as physically abusing a female student at Argo Hall.
Wednesday, Feb. 4 2:05 a.m.: Noise disturbance ? Residents at the Redwood Drive Coast apartments reported hearing ‘loud playing around’ and ‘wrestling’ from a nearby apartment. Verbal warning issued.
Thursday, Feb. 5 2:45 a.m.: Suspicious person ? Two Asian males wearing baseball caps were seen holding flashlights and ‘moaning’ at the Spanos track. Unable to locate.