WAY, WAY OFF CAMPUS ‘shy;’mdash; It wouldn’t have been freshman year without those few sleepless Saturday nights in Tijuana, made possible by the smooth-talkin’, bus-drivin’ services of Hollywood Ray to any bored underager with $12 and the wobbly legs to sprint to the Faculty Club parking lot by 9:30 p.m. However, if you’ve got some downtime and a pocketful of pesos to spare, Tijuana’s depressing desert of smog-choked taco stands and underage peddlers is only the smelly gateway to far spicier digs like Rosarito, Encinitas and the little-known town of Tecate (yes, like the beer and yes, there’s a brewery). The unsettling lack of coastline is more than compensated by copious tourist-less bakeries and an adorable town square for the most peaceful prescription-drug scores you’ve ever made.
Readers can contact Simone Wilson at [email protected].